What is On-demand-driven BI Solutions?
Until recently BI industry has been dominated by BI tool vendors.
BI has been largely focused on BI tools such as OLAP, ETL,
charting and dashboard tools, and so on. The disappearance
of BI vendors as independent companies opens a new perspective
on BI industry in general.
What's wrong with BI?
Major consumers of BI information are business managers and executives.
They are not trained as data analysts. BI tools often are based on simple
things. But systems are enormously complex. For them to learn and use
such systems is beyond their interests. So BI missed the real user's needs.
What they need is not BI tools. It's the solutions that consist of
business summary and analytic reports that managers and executives
best understand and interested!
New BI Trend: Solution-based
Therefore the future of BI will be solution based. New BI vendors will be
providing solutions, not bloated complex tools. BI solutions are developed
based on the following practices;
(1) Delivered as web server applications.
Web is the simplest platform. It is not only easy to develop and deploy analytic
reports but also easy to use. Web will be preferred form of solution
deployment. (Note that applications will be runing on customer's servers along
with other applications, since no customers will be interested in exposing
confidential business information!
This is different from On-demand computing which
hosts services from solution provider's servers.)
(2) Comprehensive pre-packaged reporting & analytics.
BI solutions will have comprehensive summary and analytic reports,
organized in menus. They can be organized in hierarchical fashion
providing drill-down information. Most of the core needs should be
met with pre-packaged reports.
(3) Re-configurable for customer environment and demand.
Pre-packaged components must be amenable to changes and reconfiguration
for customer environments. In addition, customers may demand certain
things to be changed. Solutions must be easy for changes.
(4) Extend features what customers need and want.
Ask customers what they need and want to implement (at extra costs).
Extend systems with new requirement with new rapid development.
(5) Develop cool advanced features as separately installable modules.
Cool and advanced features may be developed and deployed as separate
components. For example, sales trend monitoring, market monitoring, and so on.
(6) Rapid deployment and development for extra features.
Solutions must use rapid development platforms which allow
rapid proto-typing of pre-packaged components, subsequent
modification, and extensions.
(7) Lower cost solutions and lower cost custom solutions.
Rapid development and deployment means lower cost solutions for customers,
and more profit for solution vendors.
New Platform for On-demand BI Solutions
To launch successful on-demand BI solutions,
there are two critical requirements;
- Rapid development and deployment.
- End-to-end functional requirement support.
Rosella BI Platform is designed for new generation on-demand
BI solutions. The platform supports;
- SQL: embedded queries.
- Embedded Rosella DBMS: fast sorting and aggregation with native statistics.
- Predictive analytics: Rule-based modeling, regression, neural network.
- Database connections: all major database systems.
- Script languages; HTML, JSP.
Core features include;
- Report writing: groupby tables, cross tables ...
- Charts: Bars, lines, pies, gauges, ...
- GIS: Map charts.
- RME: Rule-based modeling and model evaluation.
- Time-series regression and modeling.
- Predictive modeling: neural network, regression, decision tree.
For more, please read
Rosella BI Server Platform.